Young black woman paying money to a vendor for a purchased item in the market. Two women wearing locally made mask and surgical mask on the street.

3 Key Benefits of FinTech for Businesses

The total value of investments in FinTech companies worldwide increased dramatically between 2010 and 2019 when it reached 215.1 billion U.S. dollars. In 2020, however, FinTech companies saw investments drop by more than one-third, reaching a value of 127.7 billion U.S. dollars, but the investment value increased again in 2021 up to 226.5 billion U.S. dollars.

Payment automation infrastructures are becoming a major product among innovative companies with a penchant for technologically revolutionary solutions. But what are the main attraction points of businesses to warrant such growth among FinTech solution providers?

Here are some.

1. Access to More Resources
FinTech companies create algorithms and ecosystems for businesses to accept payment for trades and services in the most seamless way possible. As such, it’s safe to conclude that FinTech innovation is one of the major growth drivers for businesses.

With their incredible intuition, enterprises and startups alike get an array of resources, distribution channels, and investment platforms. For example, you need an electronic payment technology to purchase a product or service on the internet; thus, the crux of the e-commerce process involves an instant payment application, without which a successful transaction can’t take place.

Unlike traditional banks, the financial technology sector’s low entry threshold has made the industry an easy ground for businesses of all types to thrive. Using open banking APIs, non-banking companies can quickly form partnerships with vendors and launch a working solution.

With an apt knowledge of creating a FinTech product, anyone can successfully own a thriving product in this niche.

2. Business Process Optimization
A 2019 Deloitte survey shows that businesses that use digitized financial services are three times more likely to experience revenue growth.

By owning a FinTech product, you’re helping to improve many organizations’ proficiency and growth by systematically streamlining financial transaction and investment processes.

Today, adopting new financial technologies does not require radical infrastructure transformation or significant investment. At low cost, businesses can adopt an easy payment process and enjoy the top-notch optimization that comes with it.

3. Better Retention Rate for Businesses
A common goal of FinTech innovators is to deliver a personalized user experience in the financial sector. It’s the major crux of FinTech astronomical growth over the years. A Kearney study of challenger banks corroborated this point as it shows that ease of use is a major selling point for FinTech products.

By adapting some generic and industry-specific FinTech products, businesses can give their customers a more impressive purchasing experience, thus leading to a much better customer retention rate. A report that gives credence to this notion is the Global App Trends Report; it says that 18% of FinTech users return at day 7 and 12% at day 30 (compared to the all-verticals average of 15% and 8% for the same days).

Aside from improving customer retention through convenience and speed, FinTech also provides customers with personalized experiences through AI and Big Data. This helps businesses to offer services and products to clients through their past purchases and financial standing.

Fintech in business has given rise to a lot of opportunities. The innovations have made it possible for them to introduce new and cost-effective products and services. Other important technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, etc are playing their roles in supporting fintech in business.

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