Is Your Till Ready For Valentines Day Sales?

How to Get Your Food Service Business Ready for Valentines Day.

Are you in the food service industry? Is your till ready for the Valentines day crowds?

When a diner walks into your cafe or restaurant on any given day, they only have an idea about what they are likely to spend on their meal. Unless they are a regular customer and always order the same meal, they do not know the exact amount of cash to carry around.

Now picture your restaurant on Valentines day. As well as the uncertainty on how much cash will be sufficient, there is the added pressure of not knowing what their date is going to order. It is a special meal, the music and ambience is set up to achieve a celebratory feel. The drinks will be flowing, it’s your opportunity to offer special treats and desserts. Let the payment experience follow the same seamless pattern.

Valentines Day Only a Month Away


Yo! believes in finding smart but simple solutions to everyday business tasks. We do this by using some of the best brains in the Ugandan tech world to build software that makes your business systems faster and more efficient.

The award winning Yo! Payments solution is one such product.

You can provide ease and comfort for your guests by taking the opportunity to set up Yo! Payments. You are offering them the option of paying you using funds on their mobile money account.

An added advantage is that even though use of the Yo! solution is as simple as making a direct mobile money transaction, the transfer charges are significantly less.

There are several restaurants and other food service providers that are already taking advantage of this.

Yo! makes payment convenient

Yo! makes payment convenient

Amagara Cafe Bistro runs two restaurants in Kampala, at Colville Street and Nakawa Business Park. Another branch will soon open, at Course View Towers.

Benald, a waiter at the Nakawa restaurant speaks enthusiastically about the increased level of service the Yo! Payments solution has afforded them.

“Someone doesn’t have to worry about not having enough cash to pay for their food or drinks.”

Emma Mugabi, the manager at the branch reiterates this and emphasizes the advantage of having several payment options.

“Sometimes one’s card may fail for one reason or another. It’s good to be able to offer an alternative payment method,” he says.

The Nakawa business park restaurant serves the hundreds of businesses that operate in the park and surrounding areas.

More Payment Options

More Payment Options

Enable your restaurant to receive more revenue per client when you introduce the flexibility of payments through some more channels.

Special occasions when you expect more guests at your restaurant are a great opportunity to start your account with Yo! Uganda.

It’s simple and straightforward. Get in touch with us at Yo! Uganda.



Are there other payment options that you think we should know about?

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